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Connecting Applications, Advertising & Alerts To SMS

Swift SMS Gateway has global reach and the best support of any SMS aggregator around. They make it easy!
Better Support And Reach At Swift SMS Gateway

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The most user friendly SMS API in the world

Swift SMS has reach and support

Our solutions are tailored to your development needs. Our services are scalable and you'll be dealing with real humans that have years of experience with SMS integration.

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100% Canadian

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Scalable SMS services

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Live Person Support

A Complete Guide to SMS Links: Boost Your Marketing Results

This complete guide will unravel the intricacies of sending HTML text links in messages, so you can follow best practices when leading text subscribers to your next offer. The world of advertising is ... Continue reading

Boost Your SMS List for Growth | Swift SMS Gateway

Properly built and managed SMS broadcast lists are a lifeline for businesses to maintain engagement in a mobile-first environment. If you've just turned your focus to building and nurturing your SMS s... Continue reading

Swift SMS Gateway has global reach and the best support of any SMS aggregator around. They make it easy!
Better Support And Reach At Swift SMS Gateway