Similar to any investment, businesses are able to see the effectiveness of their SMS marketing campaign through the use of specific metrics. Some may notice an uptick in sales or more web traffic, but how does this information correlate with the company's goals for the quarter or year?

Before businesses implement their new SMS service, it is important to see how operations are at the moment. Once executives gather this information, decide exactly what the text messages should accomplish whether it relates to compliance or customer service. Having this knowledge on hand will be more clear when compared to the analysis of opt-in, delivery, click-through, read and conversion rates, according to Biz Community.

Gathering a large list of subscribers can be an important part to the marketing campaign, but if many of those text messages bounce back it can hurt the company's delivery rate. Clean the list of phone numbers every month, this increases the chance that the targeted audience will receive the messages, not the phone towers. Be sure to check the list of numbers and clean up phone numbers that are inactive.

Look into the types of messages that are being delivered. Which ones get the most open or read rate? Typically 98 percent of text messages are opened, but the ones that drive traffic toward the business are the ones worth focusing on, making the most out of each delivered text.

Despite the fact this may occur less than 5 percent of the time, looking into this specific metric can answer many loose ends, according to Biz Community. Figuring out why these users left the SMS service will reveal if your business is targeting the right groups of people or delivering the proper text messages. Keep a close eye on this metric because this can influence click-through and conversion rates as well.

Now that the user has made it onto the mobile-friendly version of your organization's website from the text message, what are these interested parties doing? Whether the individual(s) are signing up for additional services, browsing or purchasing products, keeping these trends in mind can be valuable for future projects and marketing campaigns. Shortened links in text messages have a click-through rate of 19 percent, whereas email marketing only gets 4.2 percent of clicks.

Text messaging is becoming more common than ever because it is a simple tool that can reach out to millions of people. The knowledge businesses can find from an SMS marketing campaign can help increase sales and customer engagement. Businesses that want to learn more about their targeted audience through a text message services can with the support of Swift SMS Gateway.