How an SMS service can help customer retention
Businesses can improve customer service with an SMS service.
Why SMS marketing works in a mobile-centric society
When text messaging is such a large part of a phone user’s day-to-day activities, why aren’t businesses applying this platform to their marketing strategies?
Consider using ‘small’ messaging in 2014
Brief and straight-to-the-point messaging platforms is considered a 2014 marketing trend.
Town rolls out text alerts for future plowing
In Washington, one community decided to mitigate snow plow issues through the use of a localized SMS service.
San Francisco transit launches text alerts program
San Francisco commuters will no longer have to wait aimlessly at the bus stop, they will receive real-time text alerts about possible delays and detours.
David Miranda in court for alleged unlawful detention at Heathrow Airport
David Miranda is questioning the British government on its right to detain him for holding onto journalistic material.
Apple releases insight on data security requests
Apple released a statement broadly explaining the extent of data information requests that have been made by governments around the world.