For companies depending on US text messaging campaigns to drive their marketing efforts forward, the latest US regulations and penalties for spam can mean serious revamping of policies surrounding text message policies.
The Campaign Registry was set up to help companies work within regulatory best practices, with telecommunications companies providing checks and balances in the way of message throttling and even financial penalties for companies that violate regulations against spam texting.
History of SMS Campaigns in the U.S.
Much like any other technological industry, the rise of text messaging for business bounded ahead of regulation, leading to some serious issues as more and more cellphone numbers were made available and businesses were able to get their hands on lists of consumers.
The Rise of Spam Text Messaging
Spam texting is the use of a consumer's number without their consent, typically to send marketing messages or other unsolicited or unwanted messages. The vast amount of spam led to the realization that there needed to be oversight.
Valid Use Cases for Business Texting
Valid business texting use cases are all based around consent from a consumer to be contacted. This can be consent obtained by a company directly from a customer, to send them information and offers, or consents gained from a consumer by another party where the consent also included offers from "partners" of the other party.
Long Code Phone Numbers
Long code phone numbers are 10 digits, like the assigned phone numbers from phone companies. These 10-digit long code numbers, also known as 10DLC, can be used to make and receive calls and faxes as well as texts. In contrast, short codes are five or six digit numbers solely reserved for sending and receiving texts.
Long Code vs Short-Code Texting
A brand may often prefer short code SMS campaigns because their short code can be specific to their brand, often with the numbers spelling out a word using the alphanumeric phone keypad. This can make it easy for brands to use them for promotions and sweepstakes, especially if they want the person receiving them to send a text back.
However, SMS messages sent with a long code number are becoming more popular now due to the added expense of maintaining short codes and the likelihood of them being blocked by carriers for spam. More brands are moving to 10DLC for their business texting as part of the Application-to-Person (A2P) for text messages, and these numbers must be on file as part of The Campaign Registry.

The Campaign Registry
The Campaign Registry (TCR) works with US mobile operators and companies that are in the messaging business by acting as a central hub for registering A2P 10DLC text messaging campaigns.
This permits mobile carriers to provide a messaging service for Campaign Service Providers (CSPs) and brands utilizing A2P messaging.
TCR accomplished this by performing brand and campaign registration. Brands or CSPs must submit each campaign, verify it by providing specific information requested by TCR, and pay the fees associated with registering their brand and campaign.
Throughput allowed is tier-based, and the tier is assigned based on a Trust Score assigned by TCR to the campaign or brand. The score is based on the type of brand, the verification information submitted, and the use cases the brand or CSP states will be used, as well as anticipated text message volume.
Your Campaign Service Provider Can Help
Not being registered with TCR's campaign ecosystem for US destined text traffic can lead to penalties from the associated mobile network operator (such as AT&T, T-Mobile/Sprint and Verizon, among others.) These penalties vary but can range from $10 per message up to $10,000 per complaint for text messages sent through campaigns not verified by TCR.
TCR registration isn't prohibitively expensive, with most brands registering for $50 and campaigns registering at the same rate. Campaigns can expire, and if allowed to expire, will have to be restarted as new campaigns with the associated fees.
As a Swift SMS Gateway customer, you can take advantage of our services to get set up quickly and easily with TCR and ensure your compliance with 10DLC A2P text messaging. We will provide TCR with all of the information needed to verify your brand and your campaign, and simply pass through the fees to you directly.
You won't have to pay extra to be part of the campaign registry, and you'll have the peace of mind knowing that everything was done correctly. We can help you achieve the high score you need for adequate throughput for your needs, and appeal the decision about your score if appropriate.
Overall, having Swift SMS Gateway handle TCR as your business text messaging provider is the best way to protect yourself against fines, penalties, or throttling by North American mobile carriers. Contact us today, and find out how we can help you become compliant with your 10DLC SMS campaigns.