Use text alerts to help renew policies
What gives an insurance company the right to drop an insured person? Improving communication with text messaging can help.
Texting connects teachers and students
Text messaging can be part of the move behind strengthening the connection between teachers and students, says the National Survey of Student Engagement.
Government agencies need four things from texting services
What should government agencies ask from their text messaging services? It’s not just security that should be the main component.
Dealerships look back at April 2017 National Car Care Month
Reaching customers via text messaging is improving service and Dealer Management Systems during National Car Care Month.
Healthcare uses texting to help manage shifts
Text messaging can help hospitals reduce costs and improve response times. Care quality is always the focus of healthcare staff management. Automated shift callout systems for nurse and healthcare workers scheduling are now using text messaging by connecting to SMS gateways to improve quality of care.
Recruiters reach candidates faster by text messaging.
Texting prospective candidates job updates through your database is the best way to automate alerts and reach candidates today. With employment growing, there’s incentive for recruiting agencies to reach candidates faster due to competitiveness in the marketplace. Recruiters are doing it by finding the right SMS Gateway, with simple SMS API calls to their candidate job database platform.
What Can Business SMS Do For You?
Business, Institutions and Industry are continuing to add text messaging into their mobile communications strategy. A good Business SMS strategy has many benefits Cost Savings… Read More
Financial Services SMS Are Trending
In the financial services industry, SMS is now serving alerts for employees, account holders and investors. It’s all about sending text messages when they are… Read More
Real Estate makes a direct connection with SMS
Real estate data resourcing can be complicated in the modern market, as one case in Colorado shows. Buyers still need listing access.