New England’s heroin problem prompts DEA to launch anonymous text message line
The Drug Enforcement Agency in New England decided to launch an anonymous text messaging service.
Texting becomes increasingly valuable in business environment
Business owners can use SMS services to share company-wide information much faster.
State Supreme Court rules text messages ‘have a right to privacy’
Technology has made it easier for law enforcement to find information on suspects and victims, but is that an invasion of privacy?
Health insurance company offers SMS service to agents
Cigna’s text messaging service will allow agents to get a quote for its Medigap or life insurance plans nearly immediately.
NSA requests to extend its phone records retention period
The NSA is hoping that it will be able to extend its phone records retention period before the March 28 deadline to destroy them.
Georgia’s Drug Enforcement Administration implements SMS service
Georgia’s DEA hopes to get information that will reduce the state’s prescription drug abuse problem.
Human Rights Watch and 5,000 websites kick off ‘The Day We Fight Back’
Over 5,300 major online companies are speaking out against the National Security Agency on “The Day We Fight Back.”
How text messaging services can help track sports injuries
Research from an Australian university found that athletes are more likely to report an injury via text message because it is a more private setting.
How SMS marketing can leverage a user’s behaviors
Mobile marketing may be on the rise, but text message services continues to be one of the best ways to reach customers.