Users can help hurricane victims by texting donations
Individuals in the areas hit especially hard – namely New Jersey and New York – are patiently awaiting disaster relief, but many organizations are taking it upon themselves to implement SMS services to help their efforts.
Could texting be the future of mobile payments?
Companies may soon be able to use these services to engage their customers as well as receiving payments, all through the use of the SMS applications.
The benefits of SMS couponing
Consumers are constantly attached to their mobile devices, especially when they are on the go.
Google uses SMS technology to grow business in Africa
Technological advancements have spurred a number of new communication methods. This includes everything from social media to video calls.
NonProfits receive a boost by accepting donations via SMS
Last month, this blog talked about the two primary presidential candidates and their programs that allow individuals to donate money to their campaigns via SMS messaging. Barack Obama and Mitt Romney are not the only ones who can benefit from
Promotional text messages leaves liquor stores drunk with success
That’s why sending promotional text messages is the most effective way to reach a large audience.
Supporters can text donations to presidential candidates
Obama’s camp is following a similar strategy this year as the president prepares for the final months of his reelection campaign.
The dangers of sending too many texts
When implementing SMS marketing campaigns, it’s important for senders to understand the appropriate number of texts to send in a given amount of time. In some cases, this can be just as crucial as the actual content of the message.
Retail stores hit target demographic with text message marketing
A number of fashion retailers catered towards teenage girls and young women get this, and are now marketing to their customers via text message.