Why a Hotel SMS Should Promote An Organic Experience
Providing access to local personalized experiences is a new hospitality trend. Text messaging can make that connection.
Recruiters that text get results
When available jobs change, applicants need the latest information. Texting applicants gives keeps them informed.
Texting connects teachers and students
Text messaging can be part of the move behind strengthening the connection between teachers and students, says the National Survey of Student Engagement.
Healthcare uses texting to help manage shifts
Text messaging can help hospitals reduce costs and improve response times. Care quality is always the focus of healthcare staff management. Automated shift callout systems for nurse and healthcare workers scheduling are now using text messaging by connecting to SMS gateways to improve quality of care.
Financial Services SMS Are Trending
In the financial services industry, SMS is now serving alerts for employees, account holders and investors. It’s all about sending text messages when they are… Read More
Text Message Alerts on College Campuses
Text message alerts are extremely helpful on college campuses.
Logistics Industry Utilizing SMS To Communicate With Drivers
Text messaging services can be useful for communicating with drivers.
SMS Alerts – A Great Way To Reach Patients
Text message services are becoming more popular in the medical field.
How Can A Pig Text Using A SMS API?
About a year after Swift SMS Gateway started in 2007, a telling moment happened when a hog farmer called our sales desk past 5:00pm when… Read More