Why Mortgage Lenders Need SMS-Enabled Fintech
As a new decade quickly approaches, lenders are finally giving their customers more digital options and the trend is likely to explode in the coming years.
Understanding Your A2P Delivery Options
Businesses use A2P solutions to send customers alerts and notifications, authenticate user identities, delivery coupons and much more.
A2P SMS in the Enterprise: What’s Driving Growth?
Application-to-person (A2P) SMS has already proven to be a valuable tool for business growth, customer engagement and more.
Why Toll-Free SMS is Better Than Short Codes
Compared with short codes, toll-free numbers can help your organization’s stakeholders save time and money.
How SMS Can Support Patient Engagement in 2019
Text messages solve two problems at once: internal resource utilization and patient engagement.
What You Need to Know About Verizon’s Long Code Surcharges
Any brand sending A2P messages over 10DLC long code on the Verizon network will see a cost increase.