Tornado alarms could be replaced by emergency text messages
In addition to the ability to reach out to more people in a shorter amount of time, there is value in emergency texts because sirens are costly to operate and maintain, so eliminating them would save the state a tremendous amount of money.
SMS services can help businesses launch customer loyalty programs
While text message marketing is a great tool for attracting new individuals to a particular business, there are additional SMS services that can be used to keep them interested.
AMBER Alerts reach recipients, even if they haven’t signed up for them
Because no one knows if and when an alert will happen by them, a new AMBER Alerts system set to launch across the United States will tap into a database of all cell phone numbers and send SMS messages to every user once a child is lost.
The value of text alerts during mass emergencies
SMS messages are much more effective in the event of an emergency situation than calling, which works very well from an individual sense, but just as well in a mass emergency situation.
Why text alerts can help long waiting times
In today’s age of mobile connectivity, people shouldn’t have to wait long hours for a service professional or delivery.
National Weather Service in favor of text alerts
The National Weather Service (NWS) is fully on board with text alerts, according to a representative with the organization.